Hello! I am writer and a Data Scientist. I love to draw and to hear good stories. Currently I’m working hard to improve my Data Science skills with the aim to use them to gain insights in biological (specially medical) data.
I am interested in quite a lot of things among of which are:
- Writing. You can read a little of what I’ve done here.
- Drawing. Some of my draws and stuff are either here or here.
- Coding. If you want to check my code or tutorials go here.
- Reading. Lately I am becoming quite lazy, but still you can follow me in goodReads.
My history
Well, I studied Genomic Sciences and I have a PhD in Biomedical Sciences at UNAM. I’ve been participating in narrative workshops since 2007.
My scientific publications
Regarding biological sciences I’m particularly interested in transcriptional regulation. During my grad studies I worked on retroactivity and its relation to transcriptional binding mechanisms (or, quite more clearly, how the way a protein that regulates genes influences its effectivity as regulator).
During my grad studies I produced two publications in those matters:
Paper | Review |
I am also very interested in the effects that drugs may have on patients considering characteristics such as age, genomic context, health, etc. And in the reltionship between transcriptional regulation, modularity and development in cases such as the creation of insect galls in the plant-insect relationship.
Writing (narrative and popular Science)
I have particpated in the writing narrative workshops of Francisco Rebolledo, Alberto Chimal, Gabriel Rodríguez Liceaga y Mario González Suárez.
My only short story published so far is “Foco” which is included in the book “Historias de las historias” by Alberto Chimal. I’ve published sevral narrative popular Science articles in Spanish such as